Talk Norfolk :

Norfolk has a dialect all of its own. here are a few Norfolk words you might need to know:


Broad - A lake or open stretch of water. Womack Water is Ludham's own little Broad.
Staithe - A landing stage by a river or broad.
Quay Heading - A wooden or metal edge to a landing stage.
Wind Pump - Many Ludham windmills were built to remove water from the marshes.
Wherry - A traditional sailing boat which used to be used to carry cargo all over the Norfolk Broads.
Mardle - The Norfolk word for "Gossip".

The wherry Albion.
The wherry base is located in Ludham.
The sundial
The Millennium Sundial, which was stolen from Bakers Arms Green. Has anybody seen it?

This is the new design replacement sundial.

Just by a house at the side of Norwich Road is this milestone.
It's only small and the inscription has long since worn off, but it is a survivor from a bygone age when milestones were important navigational aids to travelers.



It's surprising what you find

When you are gathering up information to create a village archive, you come across all sorts of unusual things. On this page we have gathered together some of the interesting things we have found:

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Ludham seems timeless but....

At first glance, Ludham village seems timeless, surely those thatched cottages have been there for ever. However, change is always with us, and that shows the value of old photographs.  For example:

cooks corner shop

This photograph was taken in the 1970s, so it is not really all that old. However, the shop you see has completely  vanished and the building is now three dwelling houses. Actually the building (known locally as Cook's Corner) is one of the oldest in the village and began its life as a farm house.

This is what it looks like now:

Cooks corner


Old photographs tell us that today's snapshot is tomorrow's archive material. Because of this, the Archive Group takes lots of current photographs.  These will form the archive of the future. In addition, if you see something unusual, it is important to take a photograph at the time because it may not happen again. For example, here is a picture of the air ambulance landed amongst the grave stones at St Catherine's Church:

air ambulance

Weather conditions also make good pictures. Ludham is transformed by snow and ice. Like these two gravestones in the churchyard:

cold stones

Keep looking in.

We will add more interesting things as we come across them. If there is something you would like to see in this section then let us know. Our e-mail address is on our home page.



Did you know? - Interesting Ludham in brief.

What will turn up next ?

One of the fun things about the Ludham Archive is that you never know what interesting bit of information is about to turn up. New material is being added to the archive all the time and we spend a lot of time at Archive meetings looking at new material and trying to work out what on earth it is all about..

Some things we can never quite work out, and you might be able to help by taking a look at our Mystery Page.

Did you know :

In years gone by, the village doctor held a surgery at his home in Staithe House. There was no waiting room back then, and patients had to queue outside the door.
The course of the River Ant was changed by the monks at St Benet's Abbey. The old course went along the Hundred Stream and this is still the boundary between Ludham and Horning.

Crome's Broad is half in Ludham and half in Catfield

Detail on a Ludham gatepost