
ludham archive

     St Benet's Level Drainage Mill

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On the bank of the River Thurne is St Benet's Level Drainage Mill. It sits on Crown Estates Land farmed by Ludham Hall farm. It is a fully working mill but is not open to the public although you can walk along the riverside path to it and have a look from the outside.

The mill

Every 10 years or so, the mill is repaired and painted and this was too good an opportunity for the Ludham Archive Group to miss. So we went along and interviewed the millwright and had a look round the mill. Here are a few of the pictures we took:

The interview being taped

the view
A fantastic view of Thurne Mouth from the top

the works
The works of the mill are still all there. This huge gear is on the shaft from the sails up in the cap of the mill.

The white lady
A view of Thurne Mill (the White Lady) from the top

painting sails
This is how the sails get painted.

fan tail
The fantail

taking photos
Archive photographs in the making.

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