
ludham archive

     Ludham Manor Revisited

When she was a girl, Anne Simmonds often stayed at Ludham Manor with her family. They were guests of Mrs Brooks, owner of the Manor and local character. She has many childhood memories of happy times playing in the Manor grounds and visiting Ludham village. However Anne had not been back to Ludham for over 60 years. Then in April 2012, Anne visited the village again and shared her memories of those days with the Ludham Archive. She also brought along some pictures she had taken at the time which have greatly increased our collection of pictures of the Manor at that time.

Here are some of Anne's pictures and memories. We hope you enjoy them.

Sometimes the family stayed in one of the caravans located near the Yarmouth Road gate. This area had been part of the army camp during the war and Nissen huts and other buildings were still in place. Some of these buildings are still there 60 years on.

More caravans

Here we see a view of the Manor some 60 years ago. This view has not changed much. You can just make out a giant shell which formed a garden feature in front of the house.

Above we see Anne's Father in his favorite fishing spot in the Manor grounds close to Womack Water, and her Mother relaxing outside the Manor. To the right is the sunken garden which is now submerged under the Manor lake.
Sunken garden

60 years on, Anne stands at the fishing spot in 2012:


Below, we see Anne in front of the lake, site of the former sunken garden:

Anne at

Here we see the old Mardling seat which used to stand near the Manor gate (see our Mardling Seat page for more information)

mardling seat

Finally, here is a photograph given to Anne by Mrs Brooks. Anne suspects that this is actually a younger Mrs Brooks in the picture but cannot be sure. Whoever it is, it's a great picture.

Pre Raphaelite

Anne also brought pictures of another of Ludham Manor's eccentric features, The Fairy Garden and The Bird Sanctuary. See our Fairy Garden and Bird Sanctuary page for more information.

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