
ludham archive

     Rice Family

We often get enquiries about the Rice family. Here is a tree showing the Rice family in Ludham. This tree is based on a tree supplied by James Avery with additional information from Tom Rice and research by the Ludham Archive Group.

Rice Family Tree

To download a .pdf file containing this tree, click here

Following information supplied by Simon Godfrey and further research by the Ludham Archive Group, here is an expanded tree showing the full set of children and grandchildren of Benjamin Rice and Sarah Archer. A separate sheet is needed as they had 12 children and 78 grandchildren. This explains why there are so many Rices in Ludham and why we have had so many enquiries about them.

family tree
To download a .pdf file containing this tree, click here.
To download a document listing all 78 grandchildren, click here.

Robert E Rice (Bob) was a ferryman and we have a page about him. Click here to go to his page.

Emmeline Rice
Emmeline (sometimes Emmerline) Rice
Husband Matthew Lincoln
Audrey Lincoln
Audrey. Daughter of Emmeline and Matthew
On Staithe Road, Ludham are Rice Cottages. These have been the home of various members of the Rice Family. Latterly these were Simeon Rice and his daughter Violet Mileham (Rice). Here are some pictures from the early 20th Century supplied by David Davie.

Rice cottaces
The above picture shows Rice Cottages from the back, looking towards Staithe Road. This area to the right of the cottages was a small farm and pigs were kept in the barns on the right. Out of shot to the right was the Ludham Strict and Particular Baptist Chapel.
Violet Mileham (Rice) as a young woman
Violet and Simeon
Violet Mileham with her father Simeon Rice
Rice cottages
Violet outside Rice Cottages in Staithe Road. The cottages are still
 there, even the wall is still in place.

George Edward Rice, son of John Rice and Mary Land, emigrated to the United States in 1865 aged 19. He married Nancy Carolyn Baker or Martin. They had 9 children. George died in Eckley, Colorado in 1916. This information is from Tom Rice who is descended from George.

There is some connection with the Alexander Family as Robert (Dobin) Alexander used to lodge at Rice Cottages. You can find more about them on the Alexander Page.

Rachael O'Flaherty has written a wonderful history book about the Rice and Elliott Families. You can see it on this link (warning, it is a large file).

There is some additional information on our Memories page. Click here.

There is information about Bob Rice on this page.

The Rice and Watson families are connected. Click here for the Watson page.

                to our Family Tree Page