
ludham archive

     Tillett Family

Robert Tillett (1856 to 1928) was a groom and coachman working for the Fitz-Hugh family who lived at The Grange in Ludham. His wife was Caroline (nee Porter 1858 to 1940). At that time the family lived at Bycroft in Malthouse Lane, Ludham. The house is still there.

They had 12 children:

Ethel (1885 to 1979)
Eva (1892 to 1971)
Gertrude (born 1894)
Audrey (1901 to 1963) who also worked for the Fitz-Hugh family
Dennis (emigrated to the USA)
Robert (1890 to 1909)
Arthur (born 1889)
William (born 1886)

William had a son Jack (was a bus driver in Ludham). To download a document with more information about Jack, click here.

Above Robert Tillett
Right Caroline

Audrey Tillett

Tillett Family Tree
Above is a wider Tillett Family tree compiled by the Ludham Archive following questions about the family sent to the Archive website. Not all the Tilletts lived in Ludham but were living in the surrounding villages. The following notes relate to people in the tree:

Alfred Edward Tillett
He was the father of Alfred Roy Kitchener Tillett. He was born 28 Jan 1879 and married Jane Anna Bugg. In WW1 he was in the Veterinary Corps and he worked as a Team man on farms around Norfolk including Hickling Hall.
Baptised 19 Mar 1879 Gt Yarmouth Primitive Methodist Circuit.
WW1 Record.
He joined the Army Veterinary Corps (this does not mean he was a qualified veterinary surgeon) and was Specially Enlisted as a Horsekeeper. At the time he was living Lown Cottage, Hickling. Aged 35 and working as a horseman. He received a notice to join from A.Clark of Catfield. He signed the form himself.
He was 5ft 4in with a chest of 35 inches and had no distinctive marks.
He joined at Woolwich on 30.3.1915.
On 11.4.1915 he was sent abroad, but was back home soon after on 31.7.1915.
On 3.3.1916 he was discharged from service as being no longer physically fit.
1881 They are living Clapgate Street PHeigham.
1891 they are living near the Railway Tavern in Potter Heigham, his widowed father Samuel is an agricultural labourer
1901 Living with his brother in law Potter Heigham.
1911 they are living Chapel Corner, Potter Heigham.
1939 living Smallburgh.


War record2

Alfred Roy Kitchener Tillett
Lived and worked in Norfolk. His son Harold Jack Tillett was born in 1930. His father served in the Veterinary Corps in WW1.
BAPTISM September 12th 1915, Ernest Edward, son of Ernest Monsey and Nellie May Newman, of Hickling. Edward Roy Kitchener, son of Alfred Edward and Jane Tillett, of Hickling. Lavina Joyce, daughter of Walter and Louisa Nicholls, of Hickling. N.B. We are proud to note that in each case the father of the child baptised is serving his King and Country. ARTHUR A.T. CROSSE, Vicar.  Note this record is not for exactly the correct name. It should be Alfred, not Edward. We think the vicar must have mixed up the names of the child and his father’s middle name, but this could be wrong.
1939 living Eastfield Road Smallburgh and was an Agricultural Labourer.

Robert Hall Tillett born 1801
There are various trees published with conflicting infomation. From our research we think that Robert is the illegitimate son of William Hall and Mary Tillett. Mary is recorded as Hellett but it probably is Tillett. We think she named William Hall as the father and gave Robert the name "Hall" as a middle name. This is probably why Hall Tillett appears as a name in subsequent generations. William Hall and Mary Tillett (Hellett) did not marry.

Working at Hall Farm (1925-6)

Sitting on the horse are Arthur Tillett and Jack Borrett.
Standing - Ted Gibbs, Alfred Tillett, Reggie Durrant, Billy Brooks, Mervyn Gibbs and Harry Gibbs

There is a story that while gathering straw, Ted Gibbs got some straw up his nose. It started to bleed very badly and would not stop. A doctor had to be summoned to the field who eventually got the straw out.

We have various documents from our researches and some additional photographs relating to the Tillett family. If you need these for your research, please ask us. Just send an email. Details on our Home Page.

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